
The Digital Adventures

Real Adventures and Life Stories

Go where they went…see what they saw…feel what they felt…learn what they’ve learned…live how they lived…and experience the difficulties they faced…- all within your comfort zone.

That is what this site is all about. It contains published books and articles about adventures of real people in different areas and avenues of life. Please enjoy reading, while learning lessons from, them.

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The China Marines

The Author as a WW2 US Marine

When the Second World War ended in 1945, the 6th Marine Division, just coming from the Battle of Okinawa, was in Guam. This was the only Marine division that was formed and disbanded overseas and never set foot in the United States. The announcement of Japan’s surrender was a relief that finally the marines can go back to their families.

However a new instruction and assignment was issued. They were going to China. What was this Presidential Unit Citation awardee going to do in China?

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Return to Adventure

The Author’s Adventures

After his discharge from the marines, our author, Steve, returned to his family in the US to enjoy his benefits under the GI bill. Got a job and started a family. However, his love for adventure and writing kept on pestering him prompting him to go back to Asia and other places he had been during the war.

This book is a collection of true stories and true happenings. The places are real and the incidents took place as the author can best remember them. Let us join him and feel the adventures within your comfort zone.

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The Travel Writer

Author Teaches How to Become One

Harold Stephens is a prolific writer and dedicated to his profession. He has written more than thirty books-travel, adventure, biographies and novels-and over four thousand magazine and newspaper stories, TV and video scripts, movie documentaries, and just about anything that has to do with the written word.

“You’ll never make it as a writer,” editors told him, as did most everyone else. How did he beat the odds? Good read for aspiring writers and bloggers.

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Who Needs a Road?

“In this age of jet travel and space exploration, a trip around the world driving  a Toyota Land Cruiser and camper across blazing deserts and through hostile countries, over nearly impassable roads, and in all kinds of weather, including monsoon rains and desert ghiblis, is quite an adventure! The authors covered 42,252 tortuous miles from New York City to France, south to Spain, across North Africa, the Middle East, India, Southeast Asia, Australia, Panama, and finally back to New York to break all previous records for driving non-repetitive mileage. – Ruth G. Dorman, Library Journal

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Schooner Third Sea

Besides circumnavigating the earth with a 4WD Jeep and a Toyota Land Cruiser, our author, Harold Stephens, always wanted to build his own boat and travel around the world with it, conquering earth’s huge bodies of water. In the end, it was not just him but his entire family enjoyed this adventure. How did he get into this in the first place? Who influenced him?

Let’s join him as he relates how he started.

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Painted in the Tropics

We know well the story. An artist struggles a lifetime, earning perhaps only a crust of bread, forever on the brink of starvation, never giving up. Then one day, long after he has gone, his works are discovered.

This is such a story of Swiss artist Theo Meier, but it is more than an artist’s struggles and his success, It’s a story of adventure-his running off as a young man and, following in the footsteps of Gauguin, going to Tahiti to live and paint, his vagabonding across the Pacific aboard trading schooners and his living with cannibals in the savage New Hebrides.

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Love of Siam

King Narai of Siam, King Louis XIV of France, Pope Innocent XI of Rome, a Japanese maiden and a shipwrecked Greek sailor, all become entangled once upon a time in history in a story so true and so real it leaves the reader with puzzling question, why hasn’t it ever been told?

This is the story of the old kingdom of Thailand, then called Siam, during King Narai’s reign, in its former capital Ayutthaya before the Burmese destroyed it prompting the government to move its capital down south which was then called Bangkok by the Dutch.

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Under the Rising Sun

Bataan Death March

Army private Mario Machi was a survivor of the notorious Bataan Death March after the Japanese invasion of the Philippines one day after Pearl Harbor. He was among the first American enlisted troops that was sent to the Philippines in mid-1941. Under the command of General Douglas MacArthur, they defended Bataan and Corregidor until their surrender, which eventually lead to the infamous death march.

This is one of the first-hand stories you will ever find.

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The Forgotten Century

The Forgotten Century

No doubt the 20th Century is one of the most remarkable in human history, unparalleled for its rate of technological advances and scientific wonders. What makes this so remarkable is that the century began in the horse-and-buggy age, and before it was out, it put man on the moon. However, we tend forget that the men and women of those times were the real inventors, the real creators.

This is the biography of that forgotten century, as seen through the eyes of one man – Andreas Stepenavich.

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